Who will make medical decision for you?

Medical emergencies can happen regardless of your age or circumstance. Let the Law Office of Yuripzy Morgan create a comprehensive plan for you that includes giving you the power to plan for medical emergencies before they happen.

Advance Directives

A will is not applicable until a person has died. This means that you could be incapacitated as a result of a terrible accident, and without and advance directive, your loved ones will be left to make complex medical decisions on your behalf without your input.

An advance directive is a carefully drafted document that lays out your medical plans so that your family can carry them out accordingly. You make the tough choices today regarding your healthcare so that your family can rest easy tomorrow.

An Advance Directive allows you to make difficult decisions including the following:

- Naming an Agent in charge of carrying out your wishes
- Whether or not to receive a feeding tube
- How long to keep you on life support
- Organ and tissue donation

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